HomeDebt collector examIf you successfully complete this exam you will receive a certificate of achievement via the email you provide below. The signed certificate must be included with your application for a debt collector licence.Step 1 of 119%I prefer to respond anonymously Yes NoName First Last Email Enter Email Confirm Email Collection AgencyIf a debtor agrees to pay for some or all of the costs incurred by a collector collecting or attempting to collect her or his debt, is the debtor bound by this agreement?* No YesAn individual's credit report may include information that is adverse to their interests for what maximum period of time?* 4 years 7 years 2 years 6 yearsThe prohibited debt collection practices in the legislation are applicable to third-party collection agents as well as to creditors collecting their own debts and buyers of third party debts.* True FalseWho can allege harassment due to the manner or frequency of communication with a collector?* A debtor's neighbour A debtor's family member None of these All of these A debtor's employerAfter sending a written notice to a debtor of the assignment of the debt for collection, the collector must wait:* 24 hours before verbally contacting the debtor 7 days before verbally contacting the debtor There is no required waiting period 14 days before verbally contacting the debtor 5 days before verbally contacting the debtorAn acceptable reason to contact debtors at their place of employment is to:* Obtain a debtor's residential contact information Confirm a debtor's income Determine the frequency of the debtor's paydays None of theseA collector can communicate with a family member or relative of a debtor if:* The debtor authorized the collector to do so All of thse The debtor is unemployed None of these The debtor is unavailableIt is a legislated requirement that a debtor's employer respond to a collector's inquiries about an employee.* False TrueCollection calls can be made to BC residents on Sundays between 9am and 5pm.* True FalseOn a statutory holiday, a BC debtor may receive a collection call only if they have specifically requested to be contacted on that day.* True FalseUnless there is a history of dishonoured payments, a debtor must be allowed to make a debt payment using a cheque.* True FalseParents of a debtor may be contacted about a debt if:* The debtor lives with them Neither of these They guaranteed the debt which is in default Both of theseA debtor's spouse is equally liable for a debt even if she or he is not named in the credit agreement.* True FalseIf a person informs a collector that they are not the debtor, the collector must:* None of these options Make reasonable efforts to ensure that the person is the debtor before contacting the person again All of these options Stop contacting the individual Give up on collecting the debtA collector who is not the original creditor or an employee of the original creditor contacting a debtor and presenting themselves as the creditor is acceptable.* False TruePromising a debtor that derogatory credit information will be deleted from the debtor's credit report following full payment of a debt is acceptable.* False TrueAdvising a debtor that an unfavourable payment history will remain on their credit report for longer than 6 years from the date the payment was FIRST late or missed is misleading and contrary to the legislation.* True FalseA collector may refuse to give an uncooperative debtor their BC collection agent and employee licensing information.* False TrueHow long does a collector have to identify themselves as a collection agent when first speaking with a debtor?* Within 5 minutes Only after the collector believes the debtor may not pay the debt Immediately Sometime during the first phone callThe complete assignment or sale of a debt requires any resulting collection activity to be performed only by a licensed collection agent and collector.* False TrueIt is considered an unreasonable collection practice for a collector to advise a debtor that the debtor will be responsible for the creditor's lawyer fees for an action that would be heard in Provincial Court.* False TrueIf a collector engages in a prohibited collection practice, can the debtor sue for any damages or loss that result from the prohibited practice?* No YesOne of only 2 reasons a collector can contact a debtor's family or acquaintances is:* To determine if the person contacted will help pay the debt To have the person contacted forward a message to the debtor None of the reasons To determine from the person contacted where the debtor is employedA collection agent may add interest to a debt when the debt is in arrears even if the credit agreement does not provide for interest:* Only for the time period the debt is in arrears Only on the amount of the debt that is in arrears Both of those Neither of theseA collector is assigned a purchased debt to collect. Must the collector know and inform the debtor of the name of the original creditor?* No YesIf a collector contacts a person about a debt they owe and the person says they are not the debtor, the collector:* Must stop contacting the person and double-check the information they have Can try to convince the person that they do indeed owe the debt Can keep calling until they are convinced the person is not the debtorIf a debtor expresses concern about the number of calls they are receiving from a collector, the collector:* Must ensure the frequency of calls is not excessive or unreasonable in the circumstances May continue to make calls at the same frequency because there is nothing wrong with the number of calls they’re making to the debtor May increase the frequency of calls because the debtor is not cooperatingA collector may call a debtor’s employer to:* Let other people know that the debtor is not paying their bills Confirm the debtor is employed there and to obtain the debtors title and work place address Show a debtor that they can’t hide from their responsibility to pay the debt Request an agreement to garnish a debtor’s wagesIf they are located outside of BC, debt collection employees are not required to be licensed in BC if they are only calling into BC.* False TrueThreatening to publish a debtor's failure to pay a debt in a manner generally accessible to the public constitutes harassment under the Act.* False TrueA collector does not require authorization from the debtor to communicate with a debtor's employer to confirm the debtor's wages, benefits or personal information related to collecting the debt.* False TrueCollection calls can be made on BC Statutory holidays anytime during the day until 9pm each evening.* False TrueCan a collector attempt to collect a debt if the collector does not know who the original creditor was?* Yes NoA collector demands a fee to provide a debtor with a breakdown amount of an old debt. The debtor claims he must be provided with the information before the debt can be collected and with no cost. Who is right?* The debtor The collectorA collector who has a home address of a debtor may only call the debtor before sending out the Section 115(1) initial notice if:* The collector has actual reasons to believe it is not correct The debtor has a reputation of lying to other collectors The collection agency usually only sends the initial notice by email so the email is needed The address is from 3 years ago or longer All of theseAfter failing to communicate with a debtor at their home, a collector calls the debtor at work. The debtor, immediately upon learning the caller is a debt collector, hangs up the telephone. Can the collector call them back at work?* Yes NoS.116(1) allows a collector to contact a debtor at work if unsuccessful contacting the debtor at their home; address, phone number or email. How many times can the collector attempt to communicate with an uncooperative debtor at work?* 3 times maximum 0 times Only 2 times Only 1 time As many times as requiredA collector is unsuccessful in contacting a debtor by email which is the only contact info they have for the debtor. The collector wants to call the debtor at work to obtain the debtor's home phone number. Is this allowed?* No YesA collector has an email address for a debtor but wants a telephone number as well, which the debtor has refused to provide. Can the collector call a family member or neighbour in an attempt to obtain the number?* No YesWho must give notice to a debtor that a legal proceeding will be brought to recover a debt?* A collector assigned a debt for collection owing to another person A creditor collecting its own debt None of the 3 groups All 3 groups A debt buyer collecting on a purchased debtIf a debtor is called by a collector with such a frequency or in such a manner that it upsets the debtor, can the debtor end all future verbal communications with the collector?* Yes NoThe best ploy to use to get an uncooperative debtor to take a collection call is to represent the call as coming from Prizes Section of the BC Lottery Corporation.* True FalseCan the director publish the name of a creditor against whom an action has been taken?* No YesCan a collector be sued by a debtor if the collector contravenes or acquiesces in a contravention of the Act or its Regulations that causes the debtor to suffer damages or a loss as a result?* Yes NoA debtor has provided proof to a collector that they assigned themselves into bankruptcy several years ago, including all their debts, and was absolutely discharged from the bankruptcy. Can collector still attempt to collect on a discharged debt?* No YesA debtor in arrears is working out-of-country. Can their spouse, who has no liability for the debt, be used as a go-between to try to have the debt paid?* No YesThe lending agreement for a debt that is in arrears is silent about interest being charged on the outstanding loan balance. The collector who was assigned the account suggests that 10.9% APR interest be added to the debt. Is this:* Unlawful and therefore not permitted Too high, maximum should be the bank prime rate OK if the rate is the industry norm for that type of debt Reasonable and permittedA collection agency purchased the arrears debt of a business that has closed. Many of the debts appear, on their face, to be statute-barred under the Limitations Act. Can the agency collect the debts anyway?* No YesWhat collection cost(s) can a collector lawfully attempt to recover from a debtor?* Default costs set out in the lending agreement Costs of more than $50 Costs incurred collecting debts in arrears of more than 2 years All of these costs Court-ordered costs None of these costsA collector only has a home address for a debtor but wants a telephone number as well, which the debtor has refused to provide. Can the collector call a family member or neighbour in an attempt to obtain the number?* No YesCAPTCHA TweetShareSharePin0 Shares