Motion pictures
By law, any person or business that distributes or publicly exhibits motion pictures or Restricted or Adult DVDs (adult motion pictures or “adult videos”) in BC requires a licence. To “distribute” means to rent, lease, sell or supply (or to offer to provide any of these services).
There are seven types of licences. Your business model may need more than one type of licence. If you are not sure what type of licence(s) you need, contact us.
You must be licensed as:
- a motion picture distributor to distribute motion pictures to theatres;
- a video distributor to distribute motion pictures to video retailers, motion picture distributors, or to other video distributors;
- an adult film distributor to distribute adult videos to adult film retailers or to other adult film distributors;
- a multi-purpose distributor to conduct business as a combination of a motion picture, video and adult film distributor;
- a video retailer to distribute motion pictures to the public;
- an adult film retailer to distribute adult videos to the public; or
- a theatre to exhibit motion pictures and/or adult videos to the general public in a hall, building, premises, room or place, including open-air places (“drive-in theatres”).
Read the Motion Picture Act.
Read the Motion Picture Act Regulations.
How to get licensed
Once you have identified the type(s) of licence(s) you need, you are ready to start the application process. Not every requirement listed below applies for every type of licence, so please read each of the following steps carefully.
Step 2: Provide municipal business licence
You must provide a copy of your business licence issued by your local municipality.
For adult film distributors, multi-purpose distributors, adult film retailers and theatres with adult/restricted screens:
Your current municipal business licence must clearly indicate that the distribution, retail, or exhibition of adult video products are included in your local licensing. Alternatively, you may submit this as a letter from your municipality confirming that the zoning bylaws allow for the proposed activity. It is your responsibility to ensure that suitable municipal zoning and licensing for your business are in place before applying for a licence with us.
Step 3: Complete a criminal record check
This requirement doesn’t apply if you are applying for a licence as a motion picture distributor, video distributor, video retailer, or theatre with general release screens only.
For adult film distributors, multi-purpose distributors, adult film retailers and theatres with adult/restricted screens:
Senior officers, partners or proprietors of your business must complete a criminal record check.
For Canadian residents, get your criminal record check through our third-party supplier. The results will be sent directly to us.
Get a criminal record check.
For non-Canadian residents, a criminal record check from your home jurisdiction is required.
Step 4: Provide the security requirement
The following requirements don’t apply if you are applying for a licence as a motion picture distributor, video distributor, video retailer, adult film retailer or theatre.
For adult film distributors and multi-purpose distributors:
By law, each copy of an approved adult video that you distribute to retailers must have a decal on it. If decals will be affixed to adult films from outside of BC, you must provide a $10,000 security deposit in any of the following forms:
- Letter of credit – in favour of Consumer Protection BC issued by a financial institute. See sample.
- Surety bond – an insurance policy issued by an insurance company authorized to operate in BC. See sample.
- Safekeeping agreement (i.e. GIC or similar investment issued by a financial institute) – in favour of Consumer Protection BC. See sample.
- Cash – presented as bank draft or money order held in trust by Consumer Protection BC (note: no interest is paid on cash securities).
Review the security requirements.
Licence application forms