If you want to check the status of a licence, read our most recent enforcement actions or research one of our regulated businesses, you have come to the right place. The following options only capture the businesses that we license (such as payday lenders) or business practices that we regulate (such as gym contracts).

Check the status of a licence:

For our licensed sectors, sometimes the business needs to be licensed (such as bailiff company, debt collection agency, debt repayment agency, cemetery, crematorium, high-cost credit grantor, payday lender, telemarketer or travel agent). In other cases, the individual needs to be licensed (such as a bailiff, debt collector, debt repayment agent, home inspector or funeral director/embalmer).

Read all of our recent actions:

We publish our licensing and enforcement actions, such as licence suspensions, compliance orders and notices of an administrative penalty. We also publish the full reasons for our decisions. This is a chronological listing for the last two years.

Explore our closed cases:

You can look up a particular business, licensed individual or get an alphabetical list of all of our closed cases from the last two years. This search function includes all cases that we have closed with an outcome of some sort. This includes cases where we got compliance from the business or licensed individual or where we took enforcement or licensing action. This list does not include cases where the complaint was unfounded or there wasn’t enough evidence.