Our reconsideration process
By law, if you disagree with one of our determinations (a formal decision or action), you have the right to request a reconsideration (an appeal). A request for reconsideration may be made for any decision, order or ruling that relates to:
- A compensation fund
- A licensing decision
- A compliance order
- A Direct Sales Prohibition Order
- A notice imposing an administrative penalty
There is a two-step process for a reconsideration: the decision to hear the reconsideration and the actual reconsideration of the original decision. When we agree to reconsider a decision, we may confirm (no changes), vary (change elements) or cancel the original decision.
Read our reconsideration policy and procedures.
Grounds for granting a reconsideration request
We do not grant every reconsideration request. The reasons for granting a reconsideration could be any of these:
- You have substantial new evidence that is relevant to the decision
- New evidence that didn’t exist at the time of the review or that did exist at that time but wasn’t discovered
- Other grounds
Dissatisfaction or disagreement with the decision does not qualify as reasonable grounds for granting your request for a reconsideration. We use our discretion when deciding whether to grant a reconsideration. We may consider whether the person has raised questions of law, fact, principle or procedure that are significant enough to warrant the review because of the importance to the parties or to future decisions.
Here are some examples of why a reconsideration request could be heard:
- There was an error in finding of facts
- Incorrect analysis of facts or application of the law
- Additional evidence that pertains to the issue is made available after the original decision
- We failed to comply with the principles of natural justice
Read the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act.
Read the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act.
How to request a reconsideration
Make the request to us in writing within 30 days of receiving our decision or the written reasons for our decisions or within the time period specified in our correspondence with you.
Your request must include all of the following:
- Your name, address, telephone number and email address; and where applicable, your fax number
- The decision for which the reconsideration is requested
- The date the decision was received
- The error that was made, new evidence or other grounds
- The fee, payable by cheque or money order to Consumer Protection BC.
Contact us.
The cost
You will be charged a fee to request a reconsideration. The current fee is found in the Get & Keep your Licence menu under your specific sector. If our original decision is varied or cancelled after our review, you will get your fee back.