We’ve been hearing from consumers who are concerned about sharing their personal info when they are contacted by a debt collector. We’re going to provide some background info and help you ensure you’re dealing with a legitimate collector so you can keep your personal information safe.

The law in BC

We license and oversee the behaviour of debt collection agencies and debt collectors. The law says when debt collectors can contact you and how they can communicate with you. It’s important to remember that debt collectors are allowed to contact you about the debts you owe, and they do need to confirm the identity of the debtor as part of their process.

Worried about sharing your personal info with a collector?

If you are contacted by a debt collector, they may ask for your date of birth to confirm that you are the person who owes the debt. This is a common practice in the industry to ensure they have the right person. However, you have a right to be cautious about who you share your personal information with.  

Unsure if the debt collector is legitimate?

If you’re concerned about sharing your date of birth with a stranger, you can do a licensee search on our website to confirm that the person you’re dealing with is a legitimate licensed BC collector. This may give you some peace of mind while communicating with them or providing information to confirm your identity. 

Where to go for help

In BC, you have rights when it comes to debt collection. The law speaks to when a collector can contact you and how they can communicate with you. Learn more about your rights for debt collection in BC.

Financial advice isn’t something we can help you with directly but there are other options to consider. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada has tons of information about how to manage your debt and the different resources available.

You may also be interested in speaking to your financial institution or a financial advisor to see if they can offer you personalized advice on your financial situation.

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About Consumer Protection BC

We are not-for-profit regulator responsible for overseeing certain industries and specific consumer transactions in British Columbia. If your concern is captured under the laws we enforce, we will use the tools at our disposal to assist you. If we can’t help you directly, we will try to offer a referral to a relevant organization, if one exists. Other times, court or legal assistance may be the best option. Explore our website at www.consumerprotectionbc.ca.