Making any end-of-life decision is difficult and when you find yourself in the middle of it all, it can feel very overwhelming. Certain aspects of funeral services are regulated in BC to protect you during this emotional time, including some rules that can help you make an informed choice about a casket, container, or urn.

Here are five things that you may not know about your rights in this area:

  1. A funeral provider’s showroom must display at least six different containers (either as full or partial replicas)
  2. One of those containers must be their lowest-priced model.
  3. All of the containers must have clear price tags so that you can make an informed decision.
  4. If the funeral provider doesn’t have a separate room to display their caskets and urns, they must share pricing information about the containers they sell in a public manner, such as in a book, in a brochure, or online. 
  5. By law, you are allowed to supply your own casket or urn, if it meets certain specifications. It must meet the requirements found in the Public Health Act, and it has to be strong enough to hold and move the human remains and can’t pose any health hazards. For more details and specifications, check out this part of the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Regulation.

The law in BC

Funeral services are governed in BC under the Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act (and regulations) and the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Act, and the Cremation, Interment and Funeral Services Regulation. We oversee those laws.

Where to go for more information

Funeral homes and funeral directors must hold a licence with us, be trained, and meet certain requirements. Always check that a funeral home or provider is licensed with us using our online search feature. For more information about the funeral services rules in BC, visit the funeral services section of our website.

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About Consumer Protection BC

We are responsible for regulating specific sectors and certain consumer transactions in British Columbia. If your concern is captured under the laws we enforce, we will use the tools at our disposal to assist you. If we can’t help you directly, we will be happy to provide you with as much information as possible. Depending on your concern, another organization may be the ones to speak to; other times, court or legal assistance may be the best option. Explore our website at