Chelsea had paid for a lifetime yoga membership with a studio, unaware at the time that lifetime memberships aren’t allowed in BC.

In less than a year, the yoga studio sold to a new owner who had no provisions in place for honouring the existing lifetime memberships.

“No one was taking responsibility,” says Chelsea, “I thought I was out of luck.” She had paid for a service that no one was willing to provide and was disappointed that her method of relaxation had turned into such a headache. “It was very frustrating and no one was acting very yoga-ish about it,” says Chelsea, “I felt very taken advantage of.”

Chelsea tried to cancel the contract, but the previous owner refused to provide a refund. Someone suggested that she call Consumer Protection BC for help. Consumer Protection BC approached the parties involved to try to resolve the matter, and the original yoga studio owner agreed to give Chelsea a $3,000 refund.

With the issue resolved, Chelsea could get back to her yoga practice without the stress of a contract dispute. She urges others to reach out to Consumer Protection BC if they aren’t sure how to solve a problem transaction with a business.

* Names changed to protect the privacy of the individuals involved.

If you feel like something isn’t right, reach out to us

If you walk away from signing a contract or paying for a product or service and something just doesn’t feel right, contact us. We are responsible for overseeing certain consumer protection laws in British Columbia, and we are also a step on your path to a solution. Depending on your concern, another organization may be the ones to speak to; other times, court or legal assistance may be the best solution. Either way, we will do our best to give you the most relevant information.


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