Trees are decked out in their finest décor, smiles are on the faces of (most) people you meet and foodborne illness and cross-contamination lurk on the corner of a cutting board near you. Here are a few tips to help your tummy navigate through this season of eating.

How to be food safe this holiday season

Courtesy of the Canadian Partnership for Consumer Food Safety Education, here are the top 10 things I learned about preparing food this holiday season:

  1. Always wash your hands with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20 seconds before and after you handle food.
  2. With shellfish, always discard any that do not open when cooked.
  3. Wash fruits and vegetables before serving – even items with hard outer rinds (like squash or melons). This is because bacteria on the outer surface can be transferred inside when cut or peeled.
  4. To stop your grapes from getting moldy, keep them in a bag with holes in it and don’t wash until they’re to be eaten (as the mold grows from moisture).
  5. To help prevent cross-contamination, always use one cutting board just for raw meat and one for veggies. Cut your veggies first, meat last.
  6. Cooked turkey keeps for three to four days refrigerated. This applies to the carcass, too, in case you’re thinking about making soup.
  7. If you defrost meat in a microwave, you must cook them immediately (as microwaving may cause uneven thawing and warm spots, leading to bacteria growth).
  8. Canned foods are already cooked, but should be brought to a boil before serving (either on the stove or in your microwave).
  9. You cannot save or reuse marinades used for raw poultry, meat or fish. Discard it or bring it to a boil for one minute before using it for basting or dipping.
  10. Different foods have different cooking temperatures. Click here to read more.

Happy eating and happy holidays!

Where to go for more information

To learn more about food safety and where to go if you have questions or concerns, Health Canada may be the agency to speak to. Explore the resources available on Health Canada’s website.

We do not have any authority when it comes to issues with health or food safety. Explore our website for more info on which topics we can help you with directly.

About Consumer Protection BC 

We are not-for-profit regulator responsible for overseeing certain industries and specific consumer transactions in British Columbia. If your concern is captured under the laws we enforce, we will use the tools at our disposal to assist you. If we can’t help you directly, we will try to offer a referral to a relevant organization, if one exists. Other times, court or legal assistance may be the best option. Explore our website at