Each year, more than 150,000 British Columbians spend $900 million on privately-sold used vehicles – but do they really know what they’re purchasing? It’s Fraud Prevention Month, and the Vehicle Sales Authority of BC (VSA) is sharing important information with consumers about used vehicle sales. Check out this guest blog post from the VSA to learn how to protect yourself the next time you buy a used car.

To raise awareness and keep used car buyers safe, the Vehicle Sales Authority of BC, CarProof Vehicle History Reports and ICBC launched a consumer awareness campaign with the theme of Watch out for Walt! Walt is a (fictional) curber – someone who poses as a private seller, but actually sells vehicles for profit as a business. Many times curbers misrepresent the history and condition of a vehicle, ultimately causing the buyer to lose money – or even worse, put their safety at risk.

Here are some tips to help you spot Walt the Curber:

  • Curbers want to meet you at a coffee shop, mall or parking lot.
  • Curbers may say they’re selling the car for a friend or family member to cover up why their name is not on the vehicle documents.
  • Unlike real private sellers, curbers want you to make rushed decisions by distracting you or by appealing to your emotions with a sad story.
  • Curbers ask for payment immediately, usually only in cash!
  • Curbers want you to lie on the transfer documents to save on taxes, making you break the law.
  • Remember: if the deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

You can follow Walt the Curber weekly in all Black Press community newspapers and online on drivewaybc.ca. Consumers can also visit watchoutforwalt.com for more information.


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